Tuesday, August 16, 2016

At Your Service

At Your Service


Although senior move managers have been around since the late 1990s, very few people are aware of (a) their existence or (b) what they do.  The following questions are those that we are frequently asked:

I am not moving, are you able to help me?  The primary role of a senior move manager is to help their clients transition from one home to another.  However, some senior move managers are able to offer just a downsizing and/or organizational services.  Senior move managers are usually able to help you develop an “age in place” plan. Organize Senior Moves will work with you to accomplish whatever you need to have done.

I cannot take everything with me, what should I do?  Clients frequently have items that they cannot take with them.  Senior move managers make an effort to help their clients either sell or donate items that are not being moved to the new home.  Organize Senior Moves has a wide range of resources to accommodate most of our clients' needs. Keep in mind that the ability to sell and donate items is often dependent upon the time frame being considered.  In regards to donations, some charities require that donated furniture be in very good condition; call ahead to see what clothing is being accepted.  pic2-e1464153016296.jpg

How far ahead should I plan to get in touch with a senior move manager?  In general, senior move managers prefer to be contacted as soon as you know that you will be moving.  It is not necessary to have a move in date established.  We can help you start the downsizing process.  Advance notice will also allow time to sell and donate items in an orderly manner.  calendar1.jpg

I am able to do some of these things myself.  Why should I use a senior move manager?  To the extent that you are able, senior move managers will give you “homework” to do between their visits.  A senior move manager will work with you to help you develop an overall plan for your move.  This includes helping to decide the items that will go with you to the new home, coordinate outside resources and pack and unpack you in one day.  Senior move managers’ main goal is to make your transition go as smoothly as possible.

Organize Senior Moves is a senior move management company dedicated to making moves easier for the senior population. Visit Organize Senior Moves at:
